Random Stuff and Winner Announced


And if you aren't American... well, have a great day anyway :)

The winner of the Williams-Sonoma gift card is....


She was chosen at random by assigning a number to each entry and then randomly walking up to my husband and asking him to give me a number between 1 and 92, inclusive. He chose #87 which corresponded to Amber :)

Congrats to Amber and a huge thank you to all who played :)  Amber, give a shout via email (see sidebar) as to where you want this card sent.

And here's the random stuff...

Our city does fireworks on the 3rd... dad took the older kids while I stayed home with the little one...this is what I could see from our front yard

I have a fascination with topiary... even if it's just balls and not animals...
this was across the street from a friend's house.

I wish I could fall asleep in the car and look this comfy.
Something I'll need to practice for the Hood to Coast Relay :P

 I really wanted to see what my butt looked like in these jeans...
but someone needed to use the bathroom before I could get a good shot :P

Later today I'll be posting about the run that I intended to dominate but instead ate me alive :(  So many awesome lessons learned ... as is usually the case with painful experiences :P

how do you like my stars and stripes?

Real and Imagined Official State Stuff

“I will show you fear in a handful of dust.”
T. S. Eliot

Like most states, California has a state flag, and a state animal (California grizzly bear, aka Ursus californicus) and a state flower (Eschsholtzia california, or California poppy). Here’s a fun fact not know to many people outside The Inland Empire: April 6 is California Poppy Day, which Californians celebrate by eating lemon poppy seed muffins instead of our usual granola bar.

But wait, there’s more. Because we weren’t satisfied to have merely a flower, in 2004, we selected a state grass. Now, you might think that would be Cannabis sativa, but you’d be wrong. It’s Nassella pulchra or purple needlegrass. Once established, Purple needlegrass is tolerant of summer drought and heat, and a single plant can live more than 150 years, which I’m sure was the deciding factor in picking purple needlegrass over common spurge which, in my yard at least, is as immortal as the legendary phoenix. And of course we have a state motto: Eureka! I’m not positive, but I think we’re the only state who’s motto includes an exclamation point!

California legislators, when not engaged in budget talks or passing substantive legislation, find the time to designate stuff as our official state things. For example, we've had a state fossil (Smilodon californicus, aka, saber-toothed cat), since 1973, by which time I’m pretty sure they were extinct so we could safely designate them as state fossils instead of, say, state park mascots. Not only that, we have a state prehistoric artifact. It happens to be a small chipped stone bear, discovered at an archaeological dig site in San Diego County in 1985, a fact that, since we learned of this in 2011, has made San Diegans very proud.

Some of California’s things aren’t very dignified. Our state insect is the California dogface butterfly or dog head (Zerene eurydice). And while I bet other states’ insects can kick our insect’s butt, but keep in mind our state animal could probably kill and eat yours for brunch (which happens to be our official state meal between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM).

Other official California stuff is just as lame. We have a state soil. Seriously. “The San Joaquin Soil was designated as the official state soil in 1997. The designation commemorates the completion of the state's most comprehensive soil inventory and acknowledges the importance of soil.” Also, being more like compacted clay, a handful of our official state soil will not include fear. All this official stuff I didn’t make up can be found Here.

California is also the first state to have an official state recipe (organic hash brownies, of course), bedroom slipper, (Grandpa Simpson’s footwear), addictive prescription drug, overused cliché, and Starbucks coffee drink. Don’t be surprised if you can’t find these official things on the website. Some of our stuff is password protected and can only be revealed to people who know our official state secret handshake.

But what are we waiting for? Recently some states like Arizona (the Kentucky of the Southwest) have designated official state guns. I wish I was kidding. So, starting today, I'm accepting nominations to a Special Commission that will identify an official California recreational substance, double murder, embroidery stitch, existensial quandry, profane insult, yoga position, processed meat product, outpatient medical procedure, preferred homeless residence, parody motto, excuse for being late, most bitter regret, and favorite method of suicide. The sooner the better, since at this very moment, Arizona is working on an official public official fall from grace, wet t-shirt contest, misuse of a common kitchen utensil (but, being Arizona, they have yet to designate an official common kitchen utensil), auto GPS voice (Elmer Fudd is on the short list) laundry sorting method, texting shorthand, and victimless crime.

Blowing Stuff Up

Photos taken by my friend Marjorie
You know, I'm not a girly girl. HWMNBMOTI and I have happily swapped gender roles in several life domains. I've been the primary worker; he's been primary caretaker and cook. I make the bigger decisions (of COURSE he has input, but it is at my suggestion we've done things like moving across the country or buying houses) where he manages ALL the little stuff (heck, I'd forget we had children—I should NOT be trusted with DETAILS).

But there is nothing like the 4th of July to bring out the girl in me and the boy in him. I prefer to sit back with a frozen adult beverage and say 'ooooooh, pretty!' and he wants to blow stuff up.

My IDEAL of the 4th is to go someplace across a lake or bay from the big display, so it isn't as crowded, and WATCH. But he likes to participate. Sadly he likes to pick and choose WHAT and so it is costly (though not as costly as a vacation, so my option is out anyway). This year I put my foot down on finances. He argued that if you spent at least $200 then they start throwing in extras. I responded 'then go in together with the neighbors and pool your bargaining power'. (see what a problem solver I am) We can't afford $200. So he did—talked to the other neighbors who enjoy watching and several pitched in.

Another gorgeous Marjorie photo
It is actually a fun little party. Our FABULOUS neighbor has a pool. There are about 6 families involved, two with small kids--two with medium age (one is actually the son of a neighbor, but as they live in Canada, they always come HERE for the 4th--best way to maximize on holidays), one with in-laws visiting from China. My kids each have friends joining. We are a family with FAMILY across the country, so Thanksgiving and Christmas can be a little bittersweet. This holiday that is more a friends occasion—nice summer barbeque—has become one of our traditions.

But when I watch my son and his friend eager to light the fireworks, and my daughter hanging out watching with me, it is ever-so-clear.

Boys just like to blow stuff up.

I wish you all a truly fabulous Fourth if you are in the U.S. Be Safe!