Random Stuff and Winner Announced


And if you aren't American... well, have a great day anyway :)

The winner of the Williams-Sonoma gift card is....


She was chosen at random by assigning a number to each entry and then randomly walking up to my husband and asking him to give me a number between 1 and 92, inclusive. He chose #87 which corresponded to Amber :)

Congrats to Amber and a huge thank you to all who played :)  Amber, give a shout via email (see sidebar) as to where you want this card sent.

And here's the random stuff...

Our city does fireworks on the 3rd... dad took the older kids while I stayed home with the little one...this is what I could see from our front yard

I have a fascination with topiary... even if it's just balls and not animals...
this was across the street from a friend's house.

I wish I could fall asleep in the car and look this comfy.
Something I'll need to practice for the Hood to Coast Relay :P

 I really wanted to see what my butt looked like in these jeans...
but someone needed to use the bathroom before I could get a good shot :P

Later today I'll be posting about the run that I intended to dominate but instead ate me alive :(  So many awesome lessons learned ... as is usually the case with painful experiences :P

how do you like my stars and stripes?