Nuun Team Line-Ups!

Just over a week ago, Nuun announced the selections for their Hood to Coast Relay all-women, all-blogger team.

Then began the process of the athletes putting in their choices for running legs and team/van buddies. I am sure the Nuun coordinators had an even more difficult task sorting through all of that info and creating the line-ups... which are below!

I was lucky enough to get my buddies and my leg... anchor, baby! Yeee haaaaaaaw! Bringing it home :)

Here is the team I will run with and each member's corresponding turn in the running rotation...

  1. Tricia, who will show us Endurance Isn't Only Physical
  2. Average A of Diary of an Average Runner
  3. TMB who is Racing with Babes
  4. Kerrie from Mom vs. Marathon
  5. Margs, The Faster Bunny
  6. Lisa who is Discovering the Meaning of Stonehenge (a runner's journey)
  7. Jess who is THE Blonde Ponytail
  8. nuun player to be named later
  9. Susan, our Nurse on the Run
  10. Harmony of Keep On Keeping On
  11. nuun player to be named later
  12. XLMIC... me!
The other team...(and no less skilled or significant!)...
  1. Alanna of Running 42K
  2. Dorothy of Mile Posts
  3. I Run Like A Girl
  4. Jocelyn, the Enthusiastic Runner
  5. Emily of Sweat Once a Day
  6. LB from Health on the Run
  7. nuun player to be named later
  8. Carrie of This Mama Makes Stuff
  9. Tall Mom on the Run, Mel
  10. nuun player to be named later
  11. According to Kelly
  12. Meg O of Watch MeGo Run
Descriptions of each runners' legs can be found here.

Now we all get to focus on getting ready for our biz! Sooooo excited! 

Finishing this race will have special significance to me. My father was a resident of Seaside (where the race finishes) when he passed away. His widow still lives there. If you would like to read more about my dad, click here. When I first heard about the Hood to Coast Relay contest for Nuun's team, I really had no idea what it all meant to the rest of the running world... all I knew was that I had shared amazing times with my dad on Mount Hood and at the Oregon Coast... and points in between. I knew it was something I had to do.

Thanks, Nuun, for picking me :)