Honing Habits

And this isn't about the WRITING Habit, which I think I've managed to hone. This is about a writing ENABLING Habit I've decided I need.

So yesterday I was looking at Carol's blog and she had some writer's helpers--including some very cute waterproof stuff for documenting ideas you get in the shower... but it occurred to me... USUALLY, I can make it from the shower to my notebook 2 feet away if I really need to get it on paper... (one of the perks to always writing in the tub--that is where my stuff is--HWMNBMOTI refers to the bathroom as my office). When I risk losing an IDEA... is when I'm out WALKING...

Now I walk A LOT. I walk to and from work (a little over two miles each way), and I walk to exercise... and now that HWMNBMOTI is gainfully employed and has the car off in other places, I additionally have errands to walk on...

And when I am WALKING, it is generally for 45-90 minutes at a time... TALK ABOUT A BIG VOID FOR PRECIOUS IDEAS TO FALL INTO.

PLUS... I have a theory about busy body/relaxed mind for bringing those ideas about ANYWAY... That is always when I do my best problem solving, and more than a few major plot twists have sprung up on walks.

Isn't this clever? Could totally make one!
So I decided the habit I need to hone, is always having a little notebook with me (and pen... the pen is critical).

So for the time being, I put a small notebook and pen in my backpack (and wrote a few ideas down on my way home... mostly for blog topics). But I am going to keep my eyes open for some little spiral notebooks so I really CAN take them on walks around my neck if I feel so inclined. It's not like I don't already have a reputation as a freak around here... I am the edit or read (sometimes out loud) while walking lady. Strangers recognize me regularly and say that is why. So why NOT exercise with a little notebook around my neck? But the notebook and pen in the backpack is just common sense. I can't believe it never occurred to me before.

The OTHER Habit?

I am going into this other one seriously more grudgingly... I HATE to cook. I've always hated it (with the exception of soups and such... a big pot of soup I can eat for a week is okay—I am the only person in my house though, willing to eat the same thing every day)... But HWMNBMOTI is working full time now—40 hours in 4 days... which means on those 4 days he is not here to make dinner.

He has ALWAYS made dinner... and I have worshipped him for it. He is a great cook. (and he likes it).

But the system had to change, so I have to get back in the habit of cooking 4 days a week. (ick)

I decided though, if I really have to cook every day, I am going to learn to cook Indian food. It is my favorite kind, and it seems the real stuff (as opposed to restaurant stuff) is really pretty healthy. Hopefully by focusing on something I sort of WANT to learn to do, it will help the fact that I HAVE to do this thing not be so painful.  Kids have both grumbled, but they can live with one day a week.  Last night we had Apoo Kapir over rice and Cucumber salad with yoghurt dressing (see how I spelled yoghurt like I live within the British Commonwealth?)

What about you? Any habits you are trying to hone? Any tricks you are doing to master them?